Rules & Regulations


It is essential for Instructors as well as students to have knowledge about the rules and behaviours (ethics) in Martial Arts Sport. As follows you will get some samples, useful for your Dojo/Dojang/Club.

Dojo Hall Rules:

At each entering of the Dojo/Tatami to bow 

Bow towards the instructor if asked for assistance or advise

Bow towards the door, while a higher ranking Master/Grandmaster is entering the room

Bow towards the committee of examination

Bow to each other before starting partner training

Never display disrespect manners, nor doubt the training lesson while given by a higher rank black belt

Never challenge a higher ranking instructor to fight

Use the official title if addressing the instructor or master (Sensei, Shihan, Sempai etc.)

Don’t use first names if addressing an instructor, master

This is to use also between masters and instructors (exception: black belt talks to the student)

To show respect is one of the most important behaviours in Martial Arts. It is expected by all members, to obey the necessary respect and discipline towards each other as well as towards higher ranks.


Examinations by video:

Each instructor/black belt which is not able to be tested by an examiner has the opportunity to be tested by sending an uncut video, cd or DVD. If done as video, this material has to be converted into cd or DVD format. Together with this material the tested person has to send his testing Thesis in Word Format. In case someone has to do his test this way, it is necessary to show and perform the program in the same order as the syllabus is written. The examination will be done by the head of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA personally.

Regular examinations

For Dojo, examinations are some rules to be followed. To be licensed to exam other students or black belts, the head of the dojo needs to hold at least the title “Official Instructor” and the examiners “A or B-LICENCE”. B is valid to take exams up to 1st Kyu. The head of the examination commission needs to be at least 21 years of age and basic requirement is to be a Sho-Dan (1st Dan) for minimum one year.

A-Licence owners have to follow the following rules: 

All kyu levels have been tested have to be tested by panel and have to consist of (2) two 1stDan Instructors who are active as Official Instructors and hold teaching license valid during year of testing.

Exception: President of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA is functioning as head of the examination committee. In this case, it is necessary to have at least two co-examiners on the board. It does not matter what grade they are.

Testing Requirements in general:

  • Technical domination of the syllabus (test program)
  • Valid membership BDFS/WWNA/IFAA 
  • Coach proposes the student to be tested
  • Relevant activities must be met. For e.g. minimum number of seminars, etc.!
  • Tests are only valid with the current test certificates.
  • The examination fee is paid, not later than the day of testing.

Testing Requirements for black belts:

  • Valid membership of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA.
  • Presentation of an elaboration Thesis as agreed prior to grading.
  • Authorization to be tested needs to be agreed on by Nat/Int. Head of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA / Head of Style
  • Valid certificates to proof permanent education have to be provided for: 

Trainer education

Education by visiting seminars for

  • Referees
  • Examiners
  • Instructors
  • The minimum age for senior black belt grades are 18 years of age

Awarding to a grade of (2nd – 4th Dan degree):

2nd Dan to 4th Dan Gradings can be done by Council or by Head of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA discretion after consultation and all have agreed on the need for Rank at a specific Dojo or Province.

It is to be noted it will in the form of Formal Testing, grading and will include the Thesis in Writing by the Sensei been tested. Results of grading will be sent to recipient via email after 30 x days when Council and Head of Training have agreed the person has passed all the prescribed criteria set out.

Awarding to a grade of honour (5th Dan degree and up):

The Go-Dan (5th Dan) test will take place in the following format:

From the last documented examination to any potential award there is a minimum waiting period/maturity period of 5 years. The 4.Dan Certificate must be provided by an entry into the BDFS/WWNA/IFAA. Testing will take place over two days and have to consist of a Council of six (6) Council Members, who will access the Sensei on his overall performance and abilities to complete the tasks and tests given to him/her.

6th Dan to 8th Dan will be carried out by Council of six (6) Senior Masters and will include on 10th Dan on Council to ensure compliance and standards are met on all levels.

8th Dan Level may also be given to long-standing Member/s who have contributed years into the Art of the Ninja and may due to Health Reasons not able to take the test and Council will then take the decision to award or decline the Rank.

8th Dan up to 10th Dan is reserved for the Head of System and as such Council may decide to award an Honorary Rank to individuals who are part of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA, again based on Life Achievements, Awards from Federation/External, and issued as such – Honoury Rank.

Note: If a holder of an honorary degree is in violation against these criteria and therefore negatively hamper the image of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA in any way after he was already granted his Dan grade, the rank and title will be immediately withdrawn and this will be published via modern media and by word. This is to prevent that "black sheeps" are able to join and use the BDFS/WWNA/IFAA for his/her own purpose. A claim for refund of already paid fees does not exist. The honorary diploma MUST, after its withdrawal, sent in by registered post to the Head Office.

Testing/Examination fee:

In case the Head of Training / President of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA is necessary to exam students or black belts, the travel expenses have to be covered by the organizer of the examination. Also, the following fees occur for the individual gradings.

10th Kyu to 1st Kyu is R150 per person and Certificate of Kyu Levels is issued by Club of Testing.

Black Belt Certificates may only be issued by Head Office after payments had been done and Council decision is informed that person is awarded next rank.

No Ranking Fees may be withheld to Club or Head Office in any way.

Testing & Grading fee

Black Belt        

  • 1 Dan ​​- R1000
  • 2 Dan ​​- R2000
  • 3 Dan ​​- R3000
  • 4 Dan ​​- R4000

Master Instructor

  • 5 Dan​​ - R5000
  • 6 Dan​​ - R6000
  • 7 Dan​​ - R7000
  • 8 Dan - ​​R8000

Note: The 9th and 10th black belt degree will be discussed prior to Testing and or Award of Certificate.

All DVD and video cassettes used for examinations are after the examination property of BDFS/WWNA/IFAA.

In case of failure of the examination, the student/master has the chance to send in a new test/examination video/dvd. There is a minimum waiting period of 6 months to follow. There is no extra charge appearing.

Dan recognition certificates:

Black belt degrees can be recognized by BDFS/WWNA/IFAA. This is only possible if the person inquires for recognition is able to display the Last Valid Issued Certificate. There is no right to receive any recognition. The last decision is subject to a majority decision of the International Grading of Honor Commission.

Instructor recognition certificates:

Instructor Certificates is only valid for 12 x months on date of issue. Instructors will ensure they renew License timeously to ensure the Dojo is allowed to operate under the BDFS/WWNA/IFAA.

Grade “A” Instructor will ensure his Assistant Instructor Certificate is also up to date at all times and First Aid Certificate is to be updated timeously as well.




Private lessons, Tactical Military Combat, Weapons, Corporate Training/ Workshops

Self Protection, Office Invasion, Anti-Hijacking, Investigations/ Under Cover, CCTV Training


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